Navy Day Information

To view the map legend, click on the icon in the upper left of the map with the arrow. You can click on the box with the four corners on the top right of the map below for a full page view.


There is no spectator parking on Kelly Drive. All parking for the regatta is located above Kelly Drive on Reservoir Road in Fairmount Park. Please click here for all the information about parking at the regatta and click here for a map along with shuttle information. Once you park you can walk down the hill to Kelly Drive. There are well worn paths from the yellow parking area down to the red parent tent area. You can also ride the regatta shuttle, which will pick you up along the parking route and drop you off near the boat trailer area.

There may be “drop-off” parking passes available. These passes allow you to drop off supplies for the chuckwagon but do not allow you to park on Kelly Drive. You will have to leave Kellly Drive and park up above in the park.

Generally you will approach the race course heading south on Kelly Drive. You can use 2200 Kelly Drive as a GPS location. From the Schuylkill Expressway you take exit 340A – Kelly Dr. and Lincoln Dr. and then follow signs for Kelly Drive. At the intersection of Kelly Drive and Strawberry Mansion Drive, Kelly Drive will be closed. This is where you can drop off your athlete. If traffic is backed up you can drop off anywhere along that road and have them walk down the bike path in the same direction.

You can also approach from the south and come north on Kelly Drive, past Boathouse Row, and drive up into the park on Fountain Green Drive. Coming this way you would park first and walk down the steep hill to Kelly Drive.